Making Healthy Choices is A Bargain

We all bargain with ourselves every day: a little less sugar, a little more exercise, a little more chocolate because we walked an extra mile. How can you bargain with yourself and come out on top? Setting new standards by making healthy choices is one way to bargain with yourself and win. But, what rules are you willing to follow to stay on track, improve, and ultimately thrive? Here are some practical, helpful tips to get you started.

 Hummus with fresh vegetables, healthy food

Eat This, Not That

Eat This, Not That is a great concept and book that encourages looking at healthy alternatives. Finding one food choice to switch every month or two will overhaul your eating within the year. One of my favorite switch-outs is substituting veggies and humus or guacamole instead of chips and dip. For example, those veggies may include carrots, celery, cucumbers, peppers, or any other vegetable you like.

Making Healthy Choices can be Sweet

Another substitution you might consider is enjoying dark chocolate instead of other sweets. Chocolate has the most powerful antioxidants. Interestingly, chocolate that is over 70% cacao will have a gram of fiber and a gram of protein per serving and less sugar than many other sweet choices.

Besides making healthy substitutions in your diet, consider limiting indulgences. Everyone wants a treat occasionally, sometimes daily. Choose your yummies wisely. Do you want a glass of wine, bread, or dessert with dinner? Pick one. Unless it’s your birthday, then you can have all three.
Some choices are made daily, and some are made on special occasions. Holidays can trip us up. Arm yourself with a holiday plan. Pick the two or three holiday treats that you like the most instead of eating all the tasty traps. You’ll feel better when you don’t have to undo the button on your pants at the table.

Making Healthy Choices means Sweat

Changing your diet is one half of the equation, and getting moving is the other half. Are you having trouble getting on your treadmill or stationary bike this winter? Blackmail or reward yourself. Don’t watch your favorite show unless you’re sweating while you do it. Or, if you’re not into tough love, consider rewarding yourself. Keep track of your workouts, and if you reach your goal for a month or a quarter, then indulge yourself. If you wrack up twelve workouts in a month, promise yourself the new pair of jeans you’ve been eyeing up. Or better yet, that float therapy session and sauna visit you’ve been wanting!

doing exercises in front of TV

Good health is a process. The choices you make every day will form you. You are the result of your choices. Choose now to start forging a healthier you. The key to winning the bargaining war is to not quit until you see the changes you want.

Let Us Help You

Do you feel like you’re making healthy choices and doing everything right—eating better than ever, lifting weights twice a week, and walking ten miles a week—and you’re still struggling? We’re here for you. Let’s investigate possible blocks to your best you. Call Fernan Family Practice now at (814) 772-0722.