IPL Photofacial

Laser Treatment


Minimizes brown spots. Improves tone and texture of skin. Yellow light therapy is the gold-standard for improving brown spots and evening skin tones. Reverse the effects of aging on your skin with this Skin Rejuvenation treatment.

Treatment Areas:

-Full Face
-Back of Hands

Treatment Cycle:

Once a month, 3 visits recommended

Length of One Treatment:

30 Minutes

Package Discount:

Select the 3 treatment package to save $50. To see pricing, click here.

Comfort Level:

Mild-moderate discomfort

Recovery Time:

No downtime

Pre-Care Instructions:


Post-Care Instructions:

Sunscreen recommended after treatment

Treatment Info

Who doesn’t want to look a few years younger? Non-invasive IPL treatments can help you reverse the effects of aging on your skin. The Icon Aesthetic System uses gentle intense pulsed light (IPL) technology to reduce the appearance of undesirable dark spots, wrinkles, and facial redness and can help you achieve a more youthful appearance.

How Does Photo Rejuvenation Work?

The Icon uses optimized light pulses to improve some of the most common skin complaints. The light pulses encourage the immune system to fade unwanted dark spots, revitalize wrinkles, and reduce facial redness. Icon photofacial treatments are safe for most skin types and can be used to improve skin imperfections on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms, and legs.

What to Expect During Icon IPL Treatments

IPL photo facial treatments only last about 30 minutes. Depending on the patient’s skin type, multiple sessions may be recommended to achieve the best results. Most people do not find IPL treatments uncomfortable and anesthetic is not usually needed. The side effects are minor and typically include a sunburn-like sensation and some swelling. Most patients are able to resume their normal activities immediately following in-office treatments.

Back of Hands - PhotoFacial Treatments

30 min } $100

Décolletage - PhotoFacial Treatments

30 min } $200

Full Face - PhotoFacial Treatments

30 min } $200

Dr. Fernan’s Recommended PhotoFacial Post-Care Products

Phloretin CF with Ferulic Acid

– OR –
C E Ferulic

Metacell Renewal B3

This service is exclusively at our Athena Laser Clinic location in Ridgway, PA. Athena Laser Clinic is within the Fernan Family Practice office.