What does regular exercise get you?

Does it bring down your blood pressure ten to fifteen points? Does it bring down your cholesterol an average of thirty points? Does it help to normalize your blood sugar, increase insulin sensitivity, and help to reverse borderline diabetes? The answer is all the above.
Next question. To achieve all those amazing benefits, do you need to exercise two hours a day, two hours twice a day, or two hours a week? The answer may surprise you: two hours per week.

What are you waiting for?

I’m waiting for my personal valet to clear my schedule, put my workout clothes at my feet, and switch his butler’s cap to a cowboy hat as he sternly cracks a whip while jogging behind me yelling “Yee-Haw!” But that’s not going to happen. However, recently, I did find that if I dropped my kiddo off at school, drove home and headed out into the neighborhood before going back into the house, I could easily knock off twenty minutes of walking and hill climbing before getting on with my day. If I add a little time playing tennis or time on a horse or a Stair-master on the weekend, my two hours is paid in full.
If your personal valet isn’t going to clear your schedule for you, where can you wedge some time for yourself, your blood pressure, and your blood sugar? Will it be after work? Do you need to hit the gym before you get to the office or before you get home? Do you need to put your sneakers in your back seat so that you can put them on when you pull into the driveway before you head into the house to dinner, laundry, homework, and cleaning up your favorite shoes that the new puppy ate? Do you need to stop off at a park on the way home and jump on your bike to get the deed done? Can you sneak somewhere at lunch? When you put your sneakers on to take out the trash or the recyclables, can you keep on walking for a while longer?

What activity you choose is less important than getting moving.

The best exercise, especially when first starting out, is the one that you’re able to perform on a regular basis and hopefully enjoy most of the time whether it is walking, hiking, biking, or swimming. Since your valet quit, it’s up to you to find the time. But if you show up in my driveway at 7:15am on a school day with a whip and $50, I might be convinced to be your personal trainer for the next twenty minutes. No chaps, please!

Remember to reward your great start with Zerona Laser Body SculptingZerona® Z6 Non-Invasive Fat Loss Laser. Help yourself see dramatic results sooner than with exercise alone by scheduling now.