How to Treat a Virus – by Doing Nothing

Tis the season for colds, coughs, and feeling icky. Recently we’ve been seeing a lot of these symptoms.  There are many treatment options including doing nothing. The art of medicine encompasses many facets and abilities, but one frequently unused form is the art of doing nothing.  Let’s go over when to do nothing, well, almost nothing, is appropriate.
When you come to the office with a cough or cold symptoms, here’s what I want to know first:  how long have you been sick, do you have a fever, and are you getting better, worse, or staying the same?
woman sick

What If I’ve Been Sick for 5 Days?

If you’ve been sick for over five days, you have a greater chance for a bacterial infection.  If you have a fever, you might have something more serious going on.  If you’re not getting worse, you might be doing ok.  What does this all add up to?  If you’ve been sick for three or four days, you don’t have any significant fever, and you’re holding steady without getting any worse, you might not need medical attention.  In the medical world a fever is technically over 100.4 degrees F.
We’ve been seeing a lot of what I’m nicknaming the 20-day cough.  After the first few days, patients generally don’t have a fever, but they continue to have a harsh cough for up to a few weeks.  Antibiotics have not altered the course of this virus.  “I know I need an antibiotic because I’m coughing up green phlegm,” is what I’ll sometimes hear.  Green means infection, but it doesn’t necessarily mean bacterial infection.  If you’re coughing up brown phlegm, then we might be in business.

What Do I Do if I have a 20-Day Cough?

What’s to be done if you have a cold, whether it is the 20-day cough or another virus?  Immune boosting vitamins abound.  Keep your vitamin D level in a good range to fight off colds most effectively.  Vitamin D, zinc, Echinacea, N-acetylcysteine, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C all top the list for immune support.  Cod Liver oil contains both Vitamin A and Vitamin D and healthy anti-inflammatory fish oil and is a good option for boosting your immune system.

You can always take your favorite over-the-counter remedies as well.  For a cough, pick a preparation that contains dextromethorphan such as Delsym or Mucinex DM.  Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) before bed can dry up some coughs and help you sleep.

Besides taking supplements and treating symptoms, be sure to get your rest and plenty of fluids.  Give your body a fighting chance by giving it a break.

Take good care of yourself in these ways and hopefully you’ll avoid a trip to the doctor, but if you feel like your cold has gotten away from you, then it might be time to do something drastic like call in reinforcements.  Continuing fever, prolonged illness and symptoms that are worsening (especially after being sick for 4-5 days) might need attention.

Fernan Family Practice is Here

We’re here for you.  We’re your backup.  Always be safe, not sorry.  When in doubt, call.  We’re here to answer your questions when you’re not sure.  If you ever have any question about whether you need to do something outside of self-care then please, call us!  If you feel like you’re being overwhelmed by your cough, cold, or ick, please call us at Fernan Family Practice for an appointment.  Call now to feel less icky (814) 772-0722.