I know that sounds odd.

“Your Brain Has A Rash.” But let me tell you more…

Have you ever noticed that certain foods give you a rash? Dairy might give you red blister-like bumps on your hands or around your ears. Dairy might give you tiny raised bumps that are red and pustular on your outer arms. Maybe eggs give you red spots. Maybe your child gets red around the mouth when eating them. We tend to notice when food gives us a rash, but does it stop there?

food allergy rash. Your brain has a rash.

What is a rash? It can be a sign of an immune reaction. A rash can be due to inflammation. Is that inflammation confined to the skin or is it the most visible place? Is it inflaming the gut? The brain? All of the above? Do you ever notice that your child’s behavior is worse when the rash appears?

Rashes are not simply misbehaving skin.

Your skin doesn’t have a steroid deficiency that is magically cured by a cortisone cream. That cortisone cream can help quell the inflammation, but that only treats the symptom, not the cause.

What is the cause? Are you eating something that doesn’t agree with you? Are you not eating something that is integral to skin health? Top offenders for skin rashes include dairy, gluten (wheat, barley, rye), eggs, corn, soy, yeast, peanuts, fish, and some fresh fruits. Try not eating the suspect food for two weeks and introducing it back into your diet three times a day for three days to see if your rash comes back. Stop the offender if the rash comes back sooner than three days!

What gives your skin good health?

A few of the nutrients that are integral for skin health are zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A, protein like collagen, and essential fats. Meats, beans, and nuts are high in zinc. Fresh fruits like strawberries and oranges and fresh vegetables like peppers are high in vitamin C. Go for carrots, sweet potatoes, and cod liver oil for vitamin A. Cod liver oil will also give you essential fats.

Treat your rash, treat your gut, treat your brain. Rashes are your outward warning that inflammation is running around playing tag with your organs including your precious brain. Take away offenders and eat real food so your body and your brain work their best. If you can’t figure it out for yourself, give us a call.

Your Brain Has a Rash.

Having trouble finding the time to eat the best diet? Want to try a cod liver oil supplement that has quality you can trust? Call us at Fernan Family Practice for an appointment or a nutritional assessment that you can complete at home and send to us. Call now to treat yourself to health and wellness (814) 772-0722.